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Browsing terms categorised by: Rhyming Slang
Bag of Fruit
Suit (rhyming slang).
Barry Crocker
Shocker (rhyming slang).
Have a look. Butcher's is short for Butcher's Hook which is rhyming slang for look.
Captain Cook
Look (rhyming slang).
Dead Horse
Tomato Sauce.
Ham and Eggs
Legs (rhyming slang).
Jatz Crackers
Testicles. Rhyming slang for 'knackers', another slang word for testicles.
Noah’s Ark
Shark. (Rhyming slang)
An American. Shortened form of 'septic tank', which is rhyming slang for 'Yank' (an American).
Septic Tank
Yank. An American (rhyming slang).